The Best of Joe Satriani (+Cd): guitar signature licks styles and techniques
von Joe Satriani

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Informationen zu "The Best of Joe Satriani (+Cd): guitar signature licks styles and techniques"

Komponist/Autor: Joe Satriani
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM962302
EAN: 9780793582181
ISBN: 978-0-7935-8218-1


Not of this Earth :

Hordes of Locusts


Not of this Earth


Surfing with the Alien :

Always with me always with you
Crushing Day
Dreaming #11 :
The Crush of Love
Flying in a blue Dream :
Big bad Moon
Flying in a blue Dream
The Extremist :
Summer Song
Guitar Signature Licks
Joe Satriani
Turner, Dale, arr.
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