Jazz-it 15 easy jazzy - arrangements of well-known children's songs for piano
von Bill Readdy

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Informationen zu "Jazz-it 15 easy jazzy - arrangements of well-known children's songs for piano"

Komponist/Autor: Bill Readdy
Verlag: Schott & Co Ltd. London
Verlagsnummer: ED12728
EAN: 9781847612052
ISBN: 978-1-8476-1205-2
ISMN: M-2201-2230-9


Twinkle twinkle jazzy star

Three outasight mice

Careful on the wall humpty

London con fuoco

Bop goes the weasal

Hickory habanera

Blues for polly's kettle
Hot buns they're cool
Ring a rock a baby
Goose on the loose
Little jack horner latin the corner
Baa baa bluesy sheep
Swing into spring
Au clair de la tango
Hop boogie hop
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