50 classic Piano Rags for piano

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Informationen zu "50 classic Piano Rags for piano"

Verlag: Dover Publications Inc.
Verlagsnummer: 0-486-47397-X
EAN: 9780486473970
ISBN: 978-0-486-47397-0


Blesh, Rudi, ed
A Breeze From Alabama (Joplin)
Agitation Rag (Hampton)
American Beauty Rag (Lamb)
Ashy Africa (Wenrich)
Back To Life (Hunter)
Blue Goose Rag (Birch)
Bohemia (Lamb)
Cataract Rag (Hampton)
Cum Bac Rag (Johnson)
Don't Jazz Me Rag (Scott)
Elite Syncopations (Joplin)
Ethiopia Rag (Lamb)
Evergreen Rag (Scott)
Frog Legs Rag (Scott)
Great Scott Rag (Scott)
Harlem Rag (Turpin)
Heliotrope Bouquet (Joplin)
Hilarity Rag (Scott)
Kansas City Rag (Scott)
Kinklets (Marshall)
Maple Leaf Rag (Joplin)
Nappy Lee (Jordan)
New Era Rag (Scott)
Original Rags (Joplin)
Palm Leaf Rag (Joplin)
Pastime Rag No.1 (Matthews)
Pastime Rag No.2 (Matthews)
Pastime Rag No.3 (Matthews)
Pastime Rag No.4 (Matthews)
Pastime Rag No.5 (Matthews)
Pleasant Moments (Joplin)
Possum And Taters (Hunter)
Ragtime Nightingale (Lamb)
Reflection Rag (Joplin)
Reindeer Rag (Lamb)
Sensation (Lamb)
Sleepy Hollow Rag (Woods)
Slippery Elm Rag (Woods)
Something Doing (Joplin)
Sun Flower Slow Drag (Joplin)
Swipesy (Cakewalk) (Joplin)
The Cascades (Joplin)
The Chrysanthemum (Joplin)
The Easy Winners (Joplin)
The Entertainer (Joplin)
The Lily Rag (Thompson)
The Peach (Marshall)
The St. Louis Rag (Turpin)
Tickled To Death (Hunter)
Troubadour Rag (Scott)
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