Waves from a Fantasy for piano (intermediate/advanced level)
von Kristine Bratlie

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Informationen zu "Waves from a Fantasy for piano (intermediate/advanced level)"

Komponist/Autor: Kristine Bratlie
Verlag: Norsk Noteservice AS
Verlagsnummer: 9790261712897
EAN: 9990900728542
ISMN: M-2617-1289-7


4 Pieces
Once and now
Song of the forest
Waves from a fantasy

'Waves from a fantasy' contains piano pieces for students at an intermediate/advanced level. Each piece has a different character. The melodies range from the most expressive to the most rhythmic and brilliant. These piano pieces are a wonderful opportunity for students to develop their own emotional intelligence and creativity through music.
The music is available on Spotify, YouTube and other streaming services
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