Easy Songs: for 1-2 mandolins score
von Rich Delgrosso

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Informationen zu "Easy Songs: for 1-2 mandolins score"

Komponist/Autor: Rich Delgrosso
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00695866
EAN: 9780634087394
ISBN: 978-0-634-08739-4


Mandolin Method
Delgrosso, Rich, ed
Play the Melodies of 20 Pop, Bluegrass, Folk, Classical and Blues Songs
All my Loving
Annie's Song
Baby please don't go
California Dreamin'
Careless love
Every Breath You take
The House of the rising Sun
Keep on the sunny Side
Let it be
Love me tender
Maggie May
Norwegian Wood (This Bird has flown)
Puff the magic Dragon
Santa Lucia
Scarborough Fair
St. Louis Blues
Tennessee Waltz
Where have all the Flowers gone
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