Funk & Disco Horn Section: for voice, trumpet, saxophones and trombones score

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Informationen zu "Funk & Disco Horn Section: for voice, trumpet, saxophones and trombones score"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00001148
EAN: 9781423446767
ISBN: 978-1-423-44676-7


15 Songs
Brick House
Disco Inferno
Give it to me Baby
Hold on I'm comin'
Lucretia Mac Evil
Papa's got a brand new Bag
Pick up the Pieces
Serpentine Fire
That's the Way I like it
What is Ship
You should be dancing
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Funk & Disco Horn Section: for voice, trumpet, saxophones and trombones scoreFunk & Disco Horn Section: for voice, trumpet, saxophones and trombones scoreFunk & Disco Horn Section: for voice, trumpet, saxophones and trombones scoreFunk & Disco Horn Section: for voice, trumpet, saxophones and trombones score