Elvis: 30 No.1 Hits for piano/voice/guitar songbook
von Elvis Aaron Presley

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Informationen zu "Elvis: 30 No.1 Hits for piano/voice/guitar songbook"

Komponist/Autor: Elvis Aaron Presley
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM975876
EAN: 9780711997370
ISBN: 978-0-7119-9737-0


Heartbreak hotel
Don't be cruel
Hound dog
Love me tender
Too much
All shook up
Let me be your teddy bear
Jailhouse rock
Hard headed woman
One night
Now and then there's a fool such as I
A big hunk o' love
Stuck on you
It's now or never
Are you lonesome tonight
Wooden heart
Marie's the name his latest flame
Can't help falling in love
Good luck charm
She's not you
Return to sender
You're the devil in disguise
Crying in the chapel
In the ghetto
Suspicious minds
The wonder of you
Burning love
Way down
A little less conversation
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