The best of Tom Petty for piano/voice/gutiar songbook
von Tom Petty

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Informationen zu "The best of Tom Petty for piano/voice/gutiar songbook"

Komponist/Autor: Tom Petty
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00306419
EAN: 9780634031625
ISBN: 978-0-634-03162-5


American girl

Anything that's rock and roll


Don't come around here no more

Don't do me like that

Even the losers

A face in the crowd
Free fallin'
Here comes my girl
I need to know
I won't back down
Into the great wide open
Learning to fly
Listen to her heart
Louisiana rain
Mary Jane's last dance
Rockin' around with you
Runnin' down a dream

Shadow of a doubt

Stop draggin' my heart around

You don't know how it feels
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