The greatest Hits of Shirley Bassey: This is my Life piano/vocal/guitar Songbook
von Shirley Bassey

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Informationen zu "The greatest Hits of Shirley Bassey: This is my Life piano/vocal/guitar Songbook"

Komponist/Autor: Shirley Bassey
Verlag: Faber Music Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: 0571530915
EAN: 9780571530915
ISBN: 978-0-571-53091-5


Diamnonds are forever

History Repeating

Big Spender

Kiss me Honey Honey



For all we know
Never never never
Light my Fire who have nothing
Where do I begin (love story)
Love Story
As I love you
I'll get by (As...)
As long as I have you
Climb ev'ry Mountain
As long as he needs me
You'll never know
What Kind of Fool am I
If you go away
What now my love


The greatest performance of my life
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