The best of music to watch girls by: piano/vocal/guitar Songbook

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Informationen zu "The best of music to watch girls by: piano/vocal/guitar Songbook"

Verlag: Warner Brothers
Verlagsnummer: 0571529682
EAN: 9780571529681
ISBN: 978-1-85909-734-2


Almost like being in love
Beyond the sea
Blue moon
Blue velvet
Can't take my eyes off you
A certain smile
Do you mind
Fly me to the moon
The good life
It had to be you
The lady is a tramp
Let there be love
Love letters in the sand
Moon river
Music to watch girls by
No one but you
On the street where you live
Spanish eyes
Theme from a summer place
Up up and away
Valley of the dolls
Wishin' and hopin'
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