Jerry Lee Lewis: Greatest Hits for piano/vocal/guitar Songbook

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Informationen zu "Jerry Lee Lewis: Greatest Hits for piano/vocal/guitar Songbook"

Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF26258
EAN: 9780739043813
ISBN: 978-0-7390-4381-3


Another Place another Time
Big legged Woman
Carry me back to Ol' Virginia
Chantilly Lace
Crawdad Song
End of the Road
Great Balls of Fire
High School Confidental
I am what I am
Lewis Boogie
Me and Bobby McGee
Middle Age crazy
New Orleans Boogie
Once more with Feeling
One has my name (The other has my Heart)
Over the Rainbow
Rockin' my Life away
She even woke me up to say Goodbye
She still comes around
Think about it Darlin'
Thirty-Nine and Holding
To make Love sweeter for You
Wall around Heaven
What'd I say
What's made Milwaukee famous Whole lotta Shakin' going on
Would You take another Chance on Me
You win again
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