The Lord of the Rings (Motion Picture Trilogy): piano/vocal Songbook

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Informationen zu "The Lord of the Rings (Motion Picture Trilogy): piano/vocal Songbook"

Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF32034
EAN: 9780739058039
ISBN: 978-0-7390-5803-9


The Fellowship of the Ring
The Prophecy
Concerning Hobbits
The black Rider
Many Meetings
Lament for Gandalf
In Dreams
May it be
The two Towers
Breath of Life
Forth Eorlingas
Isengard Unleashed
Gollum's Song
The Return of the King
Minas Tirith
The Steward of Gondor
Twilight and Shadow
The End of all Things
The Return of the King
Into the West
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