The Organ Yearbook 46 - 2017 Danish Organ Art from the early 1930s

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Informationen zu "The Organ Yearbook 46 - 2017 Danish Organ Art from the early 1930s"

Verlag: Laaber Verlag
Verlagsnummer: 9783890079257
EAN: 9783890079257
ISBN: 978-3-89007-925-7


Peeters, Paul, ed
This volume of The Organ Yearbook concentrates on Danish organ art from the
early 1930s.
Articles by Frans Brouwer and Svend Prip discuss the significance of
Marcussen & S°ns 1931 organ at Nikolaj Konsthal in Copenhagen. Carl Nielsens
last major work, Commotio (movement) from 1931 received various performances
in the Nikolaj Konsthal. Its organ was the ideal instrument for Bine Katrine
Bryndorf, when exploring this work and investigating questions related to its
Patrizio Barbieris detailed study of the Roman organ c1480-1750 (II) is
devoted to developments leading toward the typical Baroque stop-list.
Andrea Panfili explores features of organ builder Pietro Pantanellas work and
his preserved instruments.
To highlight the significance of the tuning slot in the 19th century and to
call attention to the influence that this tiny device had on the sound
aesthetics of the organ after 1850, Paul Peeters presents a history of the
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