Practice in Music Theory Grade 7 4th edition
von Josephine Koh

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Informationen zu "Practice in Music Theory Grade 7 4th edition"

Komponist/Autor: Josephine Koh
Verlag: Wells Music
Verlagsnummer: WMP1637
EAN: 9789810903688
ISBN: 978-981-09-0368-8


In this second level comprehensive course book for advanced students,
Practice in Music Theory Grade 7 continues with the exploration of complex
harmonic and melodic concepts. The study of chromatic harmony includes the
diminished 7th, the Neapolitan 6th, and the secondary dominants. Figured bass
and non-harmony notes are explained in context with adequate musical
examples. The demands of the syllabus are laid out in structured topics, in
which students are trained progressively to handle challenging questions.
This 4th edition comes with Model Answers for selected topics.
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