von Jason Draper

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Informationen zu "Prince"

Komponist/Autor: Jason Draper
Verlag: Laurence King Verlag GmbH
Verlagsnummer: 9781913947552
EAN: 9781913947552
ISBN: 978-1-913947-55-2


Part of the Lives the Musicians series: highly readable short biographies of
the most-popular musiciansHis name was Prince, and he was funky. He was also
inspiring, infuriating, visionary and otherworldly. Channelling
contradictions in search of his own unique truth, he eventually changed his
name to an unpronounceable glyph that merged the male and female symbols in
an outward expression of his inner dualities. Gifted with the ability to play
almost every instrument on his records, and shifting between musical styles
as much as he switched-up his looks, he refused to acknowledge boundaries.
Instead, he brought opposing forces together in a life-long quest to
reconcile a dirty mind with a love for God. In doing so, the mini Minneapolis
genius became a world-conquering icon whose towering legacy continues to
shape pop culture.
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