Festival Flourish 23 pieces for organ

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Informationen zu "Festival Flourish 23 pieces for organ"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KM10118
EAN: 9790570041183
ISBN: 978-1-8400-3060-0
ISMN: M-57004-118-3


A Ceremonial Pageant (Simon Clark)

All Nature's Song of Praise (Colin Hand)

All Things bright and breezy (Rosalie Bonighton)

Bell Voluntary (James Patten)

Chenaniah's Canticle (Richard Lloyd)

Deo gratias (Philip Moore)

Festal Finale (John Marsh)
Festal Processional (Andrew Fletcher)
Festal Trumpets (Noel Rawsthorne)
Intrada for a Bride (Malcom McKelvey)
Make a joyfil Noise (Alan Viner)
March (Andrew Gant)
Paen (June Nixon)
Petite March brillante (Betty Roe)
Pontifical Processional (Stanley Vann)
Praise the Lord with mighty Sounds (Colin Mawby)
Prelude of Perambulation (Quentin Thomas)
Procession (Malcolm Archer)
Scherzo for the Flutes (Norman Warren)
Toccatina festiva (Adran Vernon Fish)

Trompette (Richard Proulx)

Trumpet Tune (Martin Setchell)

Trumpet Voluntary (Andrew Moore)
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