Praise Him with the Sound of the Trumpet SSAATTBB, Organ
von Jonathan Dove

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Informationen zu "Praise Him with the Sound of the Trumpet SSAATTBB, Organ"

Komponist/Autor: Jonathan Dove
Verlag: Edition Peters
Verlagsnummer: EP73692
EAN: 9990901085675
ISMN: M-57702-332-8


Praise Him with the Sound of the Trumpet was commissioned by Alan and Victoria Young to celebrate the eighteenth birthday of their daughter, Kate, to whom the anthem is dedicated. The first performance was given by the Choir of Guildford Cathedral, in which Kate had been a chorister for some time. Kate's great love of music guided the composer's choice of text: Psalm 150 is one of the shortest of all the psalms, but has the longest list of musical instruments trumpet, timbrel and dance, stringed instruments and organs, the psaltery and harp, loud and high-sounding cymbals all inviting jubilant musical illustration.
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