Remain Violin, Cello, Piano Score and Parts
von Sebastian Fagerlund

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Informationen zu "Remain Violin, Cello, Piano Score and Parts"

Komponist/Autor: Sebastian Fagerlund
Verlag: Edition Peters
Verlagsnummer: EP14650
EAN: 9990901085651
ISMN: M-014-13962-9


The works composed by Sebastian Fagerlund for different ensembles have a strong spiritual and stylistic connection. His chamber works have often served as preparatory works for his orchestral music and concertos, and this was also the case with the Piano Trio commissioned by the Tapiola Sinfonietta. The work was to become a relatively close prelude to a triple concerto in the near future, with solo violin, cello and piano as soloists, but during the composition process the work grew into a larger three movement work.
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