Six Italian Arias, vol. 1 sopano, violin & basso continuo Full score and parts
von Maurice Green

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Informationen zu "Six Italian Arias, vol. 1 sopano, violin & basso continuo Full score and parts"

Komponist/Autor: Maurice Green
Verlag: Edition HH
Verlagsnummer: HH390FSP
EAN: 9990900865476
ISBN: 978-1-910359-28-0


Greene’s seven chamber arias – today, we would call them ‘concert arias’ – include a set of six that appears to have been custom-written for Faustina Bordoni, the great Venetian diva, during her visits to London in 1726–28, since (among other things) they all showcase her ‘trademark’ note: the E in the top space of the treble clef that particularly thrilled opera-goers. The obbligato violin part for all of them was probably written for the violinist and composer Mauro D’Alay, her constant companion and reputed lover. All six works are substantial and full of character and expression as well as melodiousness and contrapuntal finesse. They show a composer at the peak of his inspiration and ambition.
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