Eight Suites of Lessons Op. 5, vol. 1 keyboard Playing score
von Georg Berg

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Informationen zu "Eight Suites of Lessons Op. 5, vol. 1 keyboard Playing score"

Komponist/Autor: Georg Berg
Verlag: Edition HH
Verlagsnummer: HH453SOL
EAN: 9990900864370
ISBN: 978-1-910359-64-8
ISMN: M-708146-60-5


George Berg’s eight keyboard suites, Op. 5, were published in London around 1760, while the composer was travelling in Italy. They are his most varied and resourceful compositions, following generally in the tradition of Handel’s suites but adding stylistic elements culled from Italian, German and French music in a playfully eclectic manner. This sparkling, idiomatic music – barely known until now – is equally suitable for private enjoyment and concert use.
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