The very Best of John Lennon: for easy piano (with lyrics and chords)
von John Lennon

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Informationen zu "The very Best of John Lennon: for easy piano (with lyrics and chords)"

Komponist/Autor: John Lennon
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00138682
EAN: 9781495003820
ISBN: 978-1-495-00382-0


Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)
Borrowed Time
Cold Turkey
Give Peace A Chance
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Instant Karma
Jealous Guy
Mind Games
Nobody Told Me
#9 Dream
Power To The People
Stand By Me (featured in the Motion Picture STAND BY ME)
(Just Like) Starting Over
Watching The Wheels
Whatever Gets You Through The Night
Working Class Hero
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