Guitartime Christmas Level 1 for guitar/tab (with lyrics and chords)

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Informationen zu "Guitartime Christmas Level 1 for guitar/tab (with lyrics and chords)"

Verlag: The FJH Music Company
Verlagsnummer: FJHG1002
EAN: 9781569390498
ISBN: 978-1-569-39049-8


Welch, leo, ed
Sanchez, Rey, ed
Groeber, Philip, arr.
Hoge, David, arr.
Deck the Hall
The first Noel
God rest Ye merry Gentleman
A holly jolly Christmas
Jingle Bells
O come all Ye Faithful (Adeste fideles)
Rockin' around the Christmas Tree
Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer
Silent Night
Silver and Gold
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