Thumb Position Repertoire inmediate pieces for cello and piano

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Informationen zu "Thumb Position Repertoire inmediate pieces for cello and piano"

Verlag: Faber Music Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: 0571518028
EAN: 9780571518029
ISBN: 978-0-571-51802-9


Legg, Pat, ed
Gout, Alan, ed

Parting (Legg)

Piano Sonata KV331 (Theme, Mozart)

Hornpipe (3)

Spanish Ladies

Wiegenlied (Schubert)
Sarabanda (Tartini)
A distant Land (Schumann)
Ave verum corpus (Mozart)
Lascia ch'io pianga (Händel)
Planxty irwin (Carolan)
Adagiocantabile (Tartini)
Tre giorni (Air, Macdowell)
To a wild Rose (Macdowell)
Moto perpetuo (Gout)
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