Songs of the Bible Band 2 für Soli, gem Chor und Instrumente Partitur
von Joachim Dierks

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Informationen zu "Songs of the Bible Band 2 für Soli, gem Chor und Instrumente Partitur"

Komponist/Autor: Joachim Dierks
Verlag: Zebe Publishing
Verlagsnummer: ZE5052
EAN: 9783954230426
ISBN: 978-3-95423-042-6
ISMN: M-700426-36-1


Wilkes, Angelika, Koautorin
Am I still your Daughter
He is the Core
I wanna dance with You my Jesus
If I had lived next Door to You
I'll seize my one single Chance
Is that really You Jesus
Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho
Lift up your Eyes (Psalm 121)
May almighty God be with You (Blessing)
Psalm 31 (Into your Hands I commit my Spirit)
What did You do my Lord
When You're sad my gentle Jesus
You are my Home
You were more
You were my Friend and still You are
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