New Anthem Book vol.3 for mixed chorus aand piano score

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Informationen zu "New Anthem Book vol.3 for mixed chorus aand piano score"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP1450015
EAN: 9780862094935
ISBN: 978-0-86209-493-5


25 contemporary Settings
A Celtic blessing (Moore)
A wedding prayer (Roe)
Ave Maria (Moore)
Brightest and best (W. Webber)
Christ is the world`s true light (Vann)
Creator of the stars of night (Archer)
Drop thy still dews (Pantcheff)
I am the vine (Warren)
I was glad (Bertalot)
Ingrediente Domino (Malcolm)
Jesu, Redemptor omnium (Malcolm)
Jubilate Deo (Archer)
Keep me as the apple of an eye (Fileding)
Let the people praise thee (Hand)
Lord, it belongs not to my care (Lloyd)
Almighty God (Tambling)
O give thanks unto the Lord (Mawby)
O God of Peace (Tambling)
O Lord our Governor (Ridout)
O may my soul on thee repose (Ridout)
Sleep, Adam, sleep (Gant)
Te lucis ante terminum (Malcolm)
The Holy Vine (Moore)
The Peace of God (Roe)
A. Ridout: Your love, O God (Ridout)
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